If you want to travel like a local in Visayas or Mindanao region, you need to learn some of the useful Bisaya phrases. Bisaya is widely used in speaking and writing in this part of the Philippines. Although, Tagalog is also spoken here, you will still have a hard time communicating with the locals.
The locals in Visayas and Mindanao region can understand both English and Tagalog clearly, whereas, you cannot understand their native language. Learning some of the commonly used phrases while you are mingling with them is an advantage on your part.
Here are Some of the Useful Bisaya Phrases with English Translations:

When you first hear this, this will give at least an idea of what are they talking about.Some of the words they used have similar meaning with Tagalog.

These phrases are commonly used in public transportation. Since, you are traveling like a local, going to different places using public transportation is the best. This will give you an idea of what it feels like to live there, plus, you’ll learn more from them.

It may be difficult to ask sometimes and their answer might confused you, still, just try and ask them! You’ll never know, unless you try.

When you go to the market and try to buy some stuff, maybe you can try some of these phrases. Who knows, they might give you a cheaper price. Because sometimes, the prices become higher when you are a tourist.

Of course, greeting somebody using Bisaya is cool. Sometimes, it will be your instagram caption in your daily post, like: “Maayong buntag Cebu!”

When you buy something and you ask the vendor “How much is this?” or in Bisaya “Tagpila ni?” and they replied “tulo singko”. You will wonder what is tulo, so this one is a big help.
Hopefully this will be a great help in your next adventure in the Visayas and Mindanao region.
Amping! (Amping means “take care” or “ingat” in Tagalog.)
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